Parts of Kubernets - Nodes, Clusters, API Server, and more!
A few different options for setting up K8s
A "wrapper" around Containers
Controllers as "brains" behind monitoring and managing replicated pods
Deploying the Cluster
Only an Intro
Allow External network connectivity to a Kubernetes service
Allow External network connectivity to a Kubernetes service
Microservices are great candidates for adopting containerization and kubernetes
Deploying a Microservice set of Applications with K8s
Use Kubernetes Deployment Objects to deploy replica sets of each service in a microservice-style application
Kubernetes can be deployed using tools like GCP, AWS, and Azure
Dockerfiles, layers, instructions, args, etc
Dockerfiles, layers, instructions, args, etc
Kubernetes has a bunch of details to consider when getting more in-depth than creating and getting objects
Separate groups of Kubernetes objects with Namespaces for maby users across teams
Use One-Line Imperative programming syntax to build some k8s objects
Pass Commands and Arguments to the Docker Containers that are run inside of pods
Pull dynamic values out of hard-coded object defclaration with Environment Variables
Service accounts, intended to be used by machines and not humans, can be used for things like getting cluster data from within the cluster itself
Disk, Memory, and CPU are 3 types of resources that can be configured within Kubernets
Taints on nodes block pod deployment and tolerations enable pods to work with node taints
Match node labels with pod NodeSelectors to sync pods with nodes simply
Affinities applied to Nodes push nodes to prefer Specific K8s Nodes to be deployed to
A few meaningful approaches to deploying multiple containers in a single pod
Surely there is a status of the pod, but the applications inside the pods can require more granular configuring to understand their readyness
Create http requests, bash scripts, or tcp requests to assess application readyness status
Syntax to log a pod in kubernetes is nearly identical to logging with docker
Labels And Selectors can allow for grouping objects together with kubectl or replicasites k8s objects
A Job Object can describe to kubernetes how to manage workloads that only need to run for the duration of the workload
Ingress solves some networking nuianced configuration details
Kubernetes helps manage traffic, load-balancing, routing, and more through its ingress implementation
Ingress policies allow incoming network requests, and Egress policies all outgoing network requests
PersistentVolumes, and PersistentVolumeClaims are K8s objects to manage data in the semi-ephemeral state of K8s Pods
Describe a type of storage with a storage class definition
When Pods rely on other pods, like in replicated dbs, stateful sets can be a helpful tool
Headless Services assign DNS entries to pods, which can be useful for use-cases likes statefulSets and Master/Slave Pods
Users Can Gain Access to Clusters Through Kubeconfig Files and Contexts
A built-in api can allow for api-driven discovery and config
Create Roles and RoleBindings to configure customizable authorization across K8s objects
A properly configured k8s server leverages admissionControllers for automated request processing
Leverage Kubernetes to create new resources types, custom specs on a resource, and custom controllers
Blue-Green and Canary deployments are not built into K8s, but can be used with some strategic object manipulation
Helm can help remove object-by-object management when looking to manage a suite of Kubernetes objects
A Follow-Along set of notes ony setting Kubernetes up across 2 VMs in Google Cloud
Docker has led to many other container details
An Overview of how a persistent volume gets created, bound, used, and options for "end-of-life" handling
Namespaces can contain one-of-three pod-security labels that give broad summaries of "levels" of pod security
An abstract layer of proxies to help with complex network scenarios
Starting with "familiar" k8s bits to logs and iptables
Create objects, alter objects, and more through configuration files and imperative kubectl commands
Links to other folks' collections of K8s notes