
Applications In Kubernetes Require Unique Care And Considerations

  • Resources are best when decoupled
    • if an API currently does a few "processes" that could each be unique and decoupled, K8s works best when each "process" gets broken-out into its own container/pod etc - many implementation pattern(s) could be applied here
  • Resource connection parameters are best when extracted into "environment variables": things like...
    • db host connection strings
    • api urls + ports
    • conditional frontend production-only build configs + enablement/disablement
  • Resources are best when treated as "transient"
    • work to make each "process" able to be trashed
    • K8s DOES offer StatefulSets, which are one way to deal with resources that need to be more "persistent"
  • An "allow all" approach is default in K8s for resource communication
    • restricting resource communication from, say, a db to a frontend proxy server (when the db only needs to allow inbound requests from an api) is a choice and requires specifc effort to do so
  • labels might be the best "go-to" for identifying and "selecting" resources between one another
    • deployments "select" containers by label
    • pods can be more "picky" about which node they get deployed onto with nodeSelectors, which select labels on nodes
    • labels can "group" resources together to meet company + organization needs (a "frontend" label present on several frontend pods, a "blue/green" set of labels for blue/green deployments for a "growth" team, an "analytics" label for an internal-analytics team across several log pods, etc)
    • labels can be used to interact with items via kubectl
      • kubectl delete labelKey=labelValue pod
  • Multi-Container Pods are a thing to consider