
Multi-Container Pods

A Microservice-Style set of apps might work for multi-container pods.
A web server might need a logging service. Ba-Da-Bing Ba-da-boom.
When 2 containers are in the same pod, the containers can "know" about each other as "localhost" - a nice little tidbit.

They Share Things

  • they share a single ip address
  • they share a single namespace.

Both Containers Must Stay Alive

It is expected that both containers in a multi-container pod stay alive for the lifecycle of the pod.

initContainers Are the Exception

Sometimes a container may be a completion-based container: a container may just pull data or images from a repo and then no longer be needed.
initContainers are how K8s allows for these limitied-up-time containers to run.
initContainers run before the "regular" container runs.
initContainers run in a sequential order.
initContainers that fail will trigger k8s to kill & restart the whole pod - unti the initContainer succeeds.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
metadata: sauce
  - name: myapp-container
    image: busybox:1.28
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo The app is running! && sleep 3600']
  - name: init-myservice
    image: busybox
    command: ['sh', '-c', 'git clone <some-repository-that-will-be-used-by-application> ;']

Extend a Primary Function with the Sidecar Pattern

  • No intervention required of the primary container
  • The second container is independent of the primary
  • helpful to the primary, like a sidecar on a motorcycle

Proxy Access Between Containers with the Ambassador Pattern

  • Scaling an existing Service? the Ambassador pattern can extract things like repeating access-details into a separate container
  • Testing the deployment of a project? The ambassador container can be a proxy, routing a percentage of traffic to a test deployment

Transform output from a Primary container with the Adapter Pattern

  • Transformers - They're robots in disguise
  • transform/modify data generated by a primary container