MongoDB Users And Roles
Built-In Roles:
There are a bunch of built-in Roles that MongoDB offers. Roles are permissions to take actions, and mongodb offers a BUNCH of built-in roles. Mongo breaks up their roles into role categories - each of these is a grouping of user roles:
- DB User: these can be setup for clients who perform normal db operations
- DB Admin: these can be setup folk a user to have schema,indexing, and statistical insight gathering. This role does not container user or role management details, those details can be done with other roles
- Cluster Admin: for users to have a scope of work for replica set and sharding administration
- Backups & Restoration: restricted to the admin db and for backing up and restoring data
- SuperUser: full privileges on all resources, including a dbOwner, userAdmin, and userAdminAnyDatabase
- All-Database: reserved for the admin db, and give rights to all dbs except for the
db and theconfig
Here will live a table view comparing permissions to roles. Many permissions exist in mongo, and roles overlap in allowed actions. This table is an all-visible approach to all roles + permissions.