While studying for and becoming a MongoDB Certified Developer, I did a lot of writing - here's some topics!
Offloading complex data-aggregation logic from the an api that consumes mongo directly to the db with tools like matching, projecting, grouping, unwinding arrays, looping up content between collections, facets, and more
I Wonder That A Comparison to SQL Might Sometimes "Miss The Point"
Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting Data
Consider the ways that data is stored within and across documents
Optimizing queries with indexes & various index types, Leveraging Indexes in queries, query planning, understanding query execution statistics, benchmark testing the db & more
Cloning MongoDB Instances for High Availability
Admins, DB users, Custer Admins, Backup users, etc.
Horizontal Scaling by splitting collections
Running the mongodb instance in a container is great for replicating db development environments for multiple developers
how data is stored on disk, primarily through wiredTiger