Cluster Admin Roles
These roles are for the admin database. These roles are meant to administer more than a db, including replica sets as well as sharded clusters.
This role can manage and monitor servers.
This role has privileges on the cluster:
- applicationMessage
- closeAllDatabases
- connPoolSync
- flushRouterConfig
- fsync
- invalidateUserCache
- killAnyCursor
- killAnySession
- killop
- logRotate
- resync
- setParameter
- shutdown
- touch
- unlock
This role has a privilege on all dbs in the cluster:
- killCursors
This role can monitor and manage the cluster. This role is granted access to both the local and config databases. These dbs are used in replication (local) and sharding(config).
On the Cluster
- addShard
- appendOplogNote
- applicationMessage
- cleanupOrphaned
- flushRouterConfig
- getDefaultRWConcern
- listSessions
- listShards
- removeShard
- replSetConfigure
- replSetGetConfig
- replSetGetStatus
- replSetStateChange
- resync
- setDefaultRWConcern
- setFeatureCompatibilityVersion
- setFreeMonitoring
On All DBs
- clearJumboFlag
- enableSharding
- refineCollectionShardKey
- moveChunk
- splitChunk
- splitVector
On the Config DB
In the system.js resource:
- collStats
- dbHash
- dbStats
- find
- killCursors
- listCollections
- listIndexes
- planCacheRead
On all non-system collections in the config db:
- all privileges in the system.js resource (above)
- enableSharding
- insert
- moveChunk
- remove
- splitChunk
- splitVector
- update
On the local DB
In the system.replset resource:
- collStats
- dbHash
- dbStats
- find
- killCursors
- listCollections
- listIndexes
- planCacheRead
On all non-system collections in the local db:
- enableSharding
- insert
- moveChunk
- remove
- splitChunk
- splitVector
- update
This role has read-only access to monitoring tools. This role has privileges across the cluster, on all dbs, and on particular dbs.
On the Cluster
- checkFreeMonitoringStatus
- connPoolStats
- getCmdLineOpts
- getDefaultRWConcern
- getLog
- getParameter
- getShardMap
- hostInfo
- inprog
- listDatabases
- listSessions
- listShards
- netstat
- replSetGetConfig
- replSetGetStatus
- serverStatus
- setFreeMonitoring
- shardingState
- top
On All DBs
- collStats
- dbStats
- getShardVersion
- indexStats
- useUUID
On Config DB
on the system.js collection in the config db:
- collStats
- dbHash
- dbStats
- find
- killCursors
- listCollections
- listIndexes
- planCacheRead
On all non-system collections:
- ... all above privileges
- getShardVersion
- indexStats
On local db
on the system.js collection in the local db:
- ... all the same privileges of the system.js collection of the config db
On all collections in the local db:
- ... all the same privileges of the non-system collections in the config db (above)
On the system.replset && system.profile resources, this role can find.
This role has all of the privileges of the above 3 roles: the clusterManager, clusterMonitor, as well as hostManager.