Configuring Replication Sets
A replication set config doc...
- is JSON formatted
- shared across all nodes in a set
- can manually set changes to doc with...
- rs.add
- rs.initiate
- rs.remove
- rs.reconfig
- rs.config
Config Highlights
_id: <string>,
version: int,
members: [...]
- _id: matches the server-defined replica set. the
identifier in themongod
clu. AND/OR thereplication: replSetName:
value in the mongod.conf file. These values in these locations cannot conflict. - version: increments when the replicaSet changes
- like when a new node gets added, or removed, when the topology of the replicaSet
- members: holds "topology" of the replica set
- array of objs, each obj representing a member of the replica set
- _id: node id
- host:
- arbiterOnly: bool //false by default, the role of the node
- hidden: bool // not visible to app. rs.isMaster WONT find this node. helpful for handling reporting
- priority: int // 0 - 1000. higher priorities get elected more often. setting priority to 0 pretty much makes sure a member will never become primary. Change in priority triggers new election. When a member is an arbiterOnly, the priority needs to be 0. When a node is hidden, the priority must be 0.
- slaveDelay: int //delay in seconds, default to 0. When set to, say 3600 (1 hour), this member replicates data from other nodes 1-hour-ago. This implies hidden/0-priority values. Why?! Hmm.
- array of objs, each obj representing a member of the replica set
There are a lot more details to configure: settings, version, configsvr... these are beyond basic.
Final Thoughts
- replication config doc defines the replica set: properties are defined and shared across the set
field notes deets about each replSet member