Reading and Writing with Replica Sets
connect to a repl set
mongo --host "m103-example/localhost:27011" -u "adminroot" -p "adminrootpw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
see which node is primary
- primary shows the host:port of the primary node
- me shows the host:port of the session im connected to
- these should be the same!
create a new db, & add a piece of data to a new collection
use newdb
db.newcollection.insert({"new": "object"})
connect to a secondary node && review that the data has been replicated to it
# connect
mongo --host "localhost:27012" -u "rs-admin" -p "rs-admin-pw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
- removed the replica-set name from the connection string, as naming the replica set would redirect to the primary automagically
- set the port to a secondary node
- secondary nodes require special auth
# ENABLE READ OPERATIONS on secondary node
show dbs
- mongo tries to protect reads on secondary nodes, as one way to ensure data integrity
Replica Sets Handling node crisis
# shutdown one of the secondary nodes, mocking a crisis!
# while still logged in to secondary node
# connect back to the host node
mongo --host "m103-example/localhost:27011" -u "adminroot" -p "adminrootpw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
# view replica status
# shutdown ANOTHER secondary node, simulating a BIGGER CRISIS!!!
# connect
mongo --host "localhost:27013" -u "rs-admin" -p "rs-admin-pw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
# shut it down
# connect back to the host node
mongo --host "m103-example/localhost:27011" -u "adminroot" -p "adminrootpw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
- 1 node is left
- 1 out of 3 is NO LONGER A MAJORITY
- the current primary steps down to be become a secondary validate that the node that was primary is no longer
# reconnect, without the name of the replica set, to the "primary"
mongo --host "localhost:27011" -u "rs-admin" -p "rs-admin-pw" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
# check replica set status
# see that the 'ismaster' key value is set to false
# see that the 'secondary' key/val is set to true
Final Thoughts
- data gets replicated to a secondar
- reading data directly from a secondary requires a few details
- connect to the secondary node without the replica name in the connection string
- running
in the cli to "allow" data reads on the secondary node
- writing to a replica set when a majority of the nodes are not available is impossible