

Has 1 reguired arg: _id.
The expression to the right of the _id is what gets grouped.

# group by year
# similar to get DISTINCT
  $group: {_id: "$year"}

# will return objs like...
{_id: 2019},
{_id: 2018},

Group used with aggregation expressions are common together, like this count by year

# group by year, sum the num films per year
NOTE: `sum:1` will get the count of all grouped docs in the resulting group
    $group: {
      _id: "$year",
      num_films: { $sum: 1 }

# outputs docs like...
{_id: 2014, num_films: 2058},
{_id: 2013, num_films: 1898},

Each time that the $group categorizes a new doc, the $sum gets called.

Now, including sorting

    $group: {
      _id: "$year",
      num_films: { $sum: 1 }
    $sort: { num_films: -1 }

# returns...
{ "_id" : 2015, "num_films" : 2079 }
{ "_id" : 2014, "num_films" : 2058 }
{ "_id" : 2013, "num_films" : 1897 }
{ "_id" : 2012, "num_films" : 1769 }
{ "_id" : 2011, "num_films" : 1665 }
{ "_id" : 2009, "num_films" : 1606 }
{ "_id" : 2010, "num_films" : 1538 }
# etc

Maintaining types, here when an item is not an array, forcing a calculated array length to return 0: on a new numDirectors field.

  • the directors array is checked if its an array
    • yes?! get the length of the arr && set to numDirectors
    • else set numDirectors to 0

Here, the _id field is an object! {numDirectors: <val-here>}

    $group: {
      _id: {
        numDirectors: {
          $cond: [
            {$isArray: "$directors"},
            {$size: "$directors"},
      numFilms: { $sum: 1 },
      avgMetacritic: {$avg: "$metacritic"}
    $sort: {"_id.numDirectors": -1}

# returns...
{ "_id" : { "numDirectors" : 44 }, "numFilms" : 1, "avgMetacritic" : null }
{ "_id" : { "numDirectors" : 42 }, "numFilms" : 1, "avgMetacritic" : null }
{ "_id" : { "numDirectors" : 41 }, "numFilms" : 1, "avgMetacritic" : null }
{ "_id" : { "numDirectors" : 36 }, "numFilms" : 1, "avgMetacritic" : null }
{ "_id" : { "numDirectors" : 30 }, "numFilms" : 1, "avgMetacritic" : 53 }

Sanitizing input vals

Understand the types of incoming data to understand the output.
Accumulator expressions IGNORE docs where the specifield incoming field value does not match the expected type.
If ALL docs encountered dont match expectations, the output is NULL!

On Missing Fields

NOTE: the avgMetacritic is null here - odd.
WHY? a bunch of original docs don't even have the field.
A missing field.
This can lead analysis to sanitize the field.
Missing Files may require field sanitizations.
The datatypes matter.

Accumulator expressions ignore docs where

  • the field is missing entirely
  • the value of the field does not match the accumulator expectation

On Grouping All Docs with no grouping strategy

set the _id to null.
set a count to {$sum: 1}.
this will match the output number of db.coll.count().

    $group: {
      _id: null,
      count: { $sum: 1 }

Calculating an average where key is missing in some

Filter, or $match, the docs that do not have the field.
Docs that do not have metacritic won't be included will NOT be part of the average. This is like treating missing data NOT as a 0.

    $match: {
      metacritic: { $gte: 0 }
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      avgMetacritic: { $avg: "$metacritic" }

#will return
{ "_id" : null, "avgMetacritic" : 56.931091693396745 }


  • all accumulator expressions can be used in a $group statement
  • $group can be used many times in a single pipeline
  • sanitizing data may be necessary with the group, to avoid bad/missing data