

Some data is flat.
Some data is deeply nested.
Some common data structures that are complex are trees: airport routes, social networks, fraud detection, hierarchies, etc.

$graphLookup allows complex datasets to be processed, analyzed and transformed.

api breakdown

$graphLookup: {
  from: `a collection that this gets results from`;
  startWith: `connect-to val(s) to search with`;
  connectFromField: `a field in each doc in the FROM coll used to perform the next recursive query`;
  connectToField: `sets the field in each doc in the FROM coll that is queried against in each recursive query`;
  as: `field in the output doc that holds the resulting arr of results`;
  maxDepth: optional`max number of recursive depth`;
  depthField: optional`the field name that holds the number of recursive iterations to REACH this specific node, 0 for first lookup`;
  restrictSearchWIthMatch: optional`a match condition`;

A Tree structure example

A "Tree" structure of data, laid out in a "flat" style:

  • A CEO (has 5 direct reports)
    • CMO
    • CRO
    • SVP Services
    • CFO
    • CTO (has 2 direct reports) - VP Product - SVP Engineering (has 3 reports) - vp ed - vs cloud eng. - vp core In a dataset like this, each doc has...
  • _id
  • name
  • title
  • reports_to
    • pointing to another ID, conditionally present

a look at some mock data for this org would be...

// mock show data

// mock res
// each doc has a "parent reference"
{_id: 4, name: "Calros Sangrana", title: "CRO", reports_to: 1 }
{_id: 5, name: "Henrietta Washington", title: "VP Eng", reports_to: 2 }
{_id: 6, name: "Sarah Silverstein", title: "VP Web Apps", reports_to: 5 }
{_id: 7, name: "Wendy Alfredson", title: "VP App Components", reports_to: 5 }

Who reports to dave

Get ALL people who report to the TOP person

    // get the doc of interest, the top person is "elliot"
    $match: {
      name: 'Eliot',
    // get all descendent docs from the parent doc
    $graphLookup: {
      // same collection, a self-lookup
      from: 'parent_reference',
      // starting with the id
      startWith: '$_id',
      // searching on the _id field
      connectFromField: '_id',
      // using this to match for subsequent iterations
      connectToField: 'reports_to',
      // store res under this field
      as: 'all_reports',
  • $match on the document of interest to start with
  • startWith the _id field of the $matched document
  • connectFrom _id to reports_to in other docs
  • stores in all_reports arr

getting parent hierarchy from document relational key value

// parent reference data
"_id" : 9,
"name" : "Shannon",
"title" : "VP Education",
"reports_to" : 5
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Dev", "title" : "CEO" }
{ "_id" : 7, "name" : "Elyse", "title" : "COO", "reports_to" : 2 }
{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "Ron", "title" : "VP PM", "reports_to" : 2 }
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "Carlos", "title" : "CRO", "reports_to" : 1 }
{ "_id" : 5, "name" : "Andrew", "title" : "VP Eng", "reports_to" : 2 }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Meagen", "title" : "CMO", "reports_to" : 1 }
"_id" : 10,
"name" : "Dan",
"title" : "VP Core Engineering",
"reports_to" : 5
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Eliot", "title" : "CTO", "reports_to" : 1 }
"_id" : 11,
"name" : "Cailin",
"title" : "VP Cloud Engineering",
"reports_to" : 5
{ "_id" : 8, "name" : "Richard", "title" : "VP PS", "reports_to" : 1 }

    $match: {
      name: 'Shannon'
    $graphLookup: {
      from: 'parent_reference',
      startWith: '$reports_to',
      connectFromField: 'reports_to',
      connectToField: '_id',
      as: 'bosses'
  • $match on the document of interest to start with
  • startWith the reports_to field of the $matched document
  • connectFrom reports_to to _id_ in other docs
  • stores in bosses arr

Getting Children from listed elements in same doc

Perhaps a node STORES it's immediate reports

// child-reference data
"_id" : 5,
"name" : "Andrew",
"title" : "VP Eng",
"direct_reports" : [
{ "_id" : 7, "name" : "Elyse", "title" : "COO" }
{ "_id" : 6, "name" : "Ron", "title" : "VP PM" }
{ "_id" : 4, "name" : "Carlos", "title" : "CRO" }
{ "_id" : 10, "name" : "Dan", "title" : "VP Core Engineering" }
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "Dev",
"title" : "CEO",
"direct_reports" : [
{ "_id" : 8, "name" : "Richard", "title" : "VP PS" }
{ "_id" : 11, "name" : "Cailin", "title" : "VP Cloud Engineering" }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Meagen", "title" : "CMO" }
{ "_id" : 9, "name" : "Shannon", "title" : "VP Education" }
"_id" : 2,
"name" : "Eliot",
"title" : "CTO",
"direct_reports" : [

// attempt to get all reports
  {$match: { name: "Dev" }},
  {$graphLookup: {
    from: 'child_reference',
    startWith: '$direct_reports',
    connectFromField: 'direct_reports',
    connectToField: 'name',
    as: 'all_reports'

Might not be interested in the whole depth available in these lookup results.

The depth represents how "deep" to go:

  • maxDepth:0 is 1 layers/levels
  • maxDepth: 1 is 2 layers/levels
  { $match: { name: 'Dev' } },
    $graphLookup: {
      from: 'child_reference',
      startWith: '$direct_reports',
      connectFromField: 'direct_reports',
      connectToField: 'name',
      as: 'two_level_reports',
      maxDepth: 1,
      // ALSO THIS!
      // output how many 'levels' deep the doc is
      depthField: 'hierarchy_level_from_start',

Dont Forget Concerns

  • $lookup might take up a lot of memory
    • leverage $allowDiskUse
    • may exceed the 100MB allocation EVEN WITH allowDiskUse
  • use indexes
    • indexes will speed up queries
    • if the connectToField, the field in the FROM collection, is indexed, this will help
  • collections cannot be sharded in the from collection
  • unrelated matched stages do not get pushed before graphLookup

A Complex example


  • a list of all possible distinct destinations
    • with at most one layover
    • departing from the base airports of
      • airlines from Germany, Spain or Canada
      • that are part of the OneWorld alliance
  • Include
    • both the destination
    • and which airline services that location
  • there should be 158 results
    $match: { name: 'OneWorld' },
    $graphLookup: {
      startWith: '$airlines',
      from: 'air_airlines',
      connectFromField: 'name',
      connectToField: 'name',
      as: 'airlines',
      maxDepth: 0,
      restrictSearchWithMatch: {
        country: { $in: ['Germany', 'Spain', 'Canada'] },
    $graphLookup: {
      startWith: '$airlines.base',
      from: 'air_routes',
      connectFromField: 'dst_airport',
      connectToField: 'src_airport',
      as: 'connections',
      maxDepth: 1,
    $project: {
      validAirlines: '$airlines.name',
      'connections.dst_airport': 1,
      'connections.airline.name': 1,
  { $unwind: '$connections' },
    $project: {
      isValid: { $in: ['$connections.airline.name', '$validAirlines'] },
      'connections.dst_airport': 1,
  { $match: { isValid: true } },
  { $group: { \_id: '$connections.dst_airport' } },


  • when looking up 'parent' documents, use the parent_reference
  • when looking up 'child' documents where child elements are listed in the parent doc, use the child_reference
  • startWith does NOT indicate an index to use to execute the recursive match
  • as determines a subdoc to store the results
  • connectFromField matches the connectToField in the recursive match
  • connectToField is used in the recursive find operator
  • depth_field takes a value which becomes a new key, and the value becomes how many levels from the start were traversed