
accumulator exps inside project

The accumulator logic in a projection happens on a per-doc basis.

Here, the accumulator $avg is applied to each doc in the original collection, NOT averaging all data arrays in one ->

# with input like this
# returns
{_id: 0, data: [1,2,3,4,5]}
{_id: 1, data: [1,3,5,7,9]}
{_id: 2, data: [2,4,6,8,10]}

# agg like this
let aggArr = [
    $project: {
      dataAvg: { $avg: "$data" }

# applying agg

# will return
{_id: 0, dataAvg: 3}
{_id: 1, dataAvg: 5}
{_id: 2, dataAvg: 6}

Available accumulators

  • $sum
  • $avg
  • $max
  • $min
  • $stdDevPop
  • $stdDevSam

These expressions do not stay across documents.


Start with some data.
Not to forget, this is on the aggregation db. Here, the icecream dataset will be leveraged.

A snapshot of the data


"\_id" : ObjectId("59bff494f70ff89cacc36f90"),
"trends" : [
"month" : "January",
"avg_high_tmp" : 42,
"avg_low_tmp" : 27,
"icecream_cpi" : 238.8,
"icecream_sales_in_millions" : 115
"month" : "February",
"avg_high_tmp" : 44,
"avg_low_tmp" : 28,
"icecream_cpi" : 225.5,
"icecream_sales_in_millions" : 118
"month" : "March",
"avg_high_tmp" : 53,
"avg_low_tmp" : 35,
"icecream_cpi" : 221.9,
"icecream_sales_in_millions" : 121
# ...etc

Idea One, find the max avg_high_temp, && use $reduce. high-temp value from the trends array

  • use reduce
    • for the input, use the trends arr
    • initialVal is 0 because any val should be greater than that
    • output is a condition
      • if agv_high_temp is HIGHER than cur acc val, use this one
      • else return acc
        • NOTE:
          • the $$this is the current item in the arr
          • the $$value is the accumulator
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      max_high: {
        $reduce: {
          input: "$trends",
          initialValue: 0,
          in: {
            $cond: {
              if: {
                $gt : ["$$this.avg_high_tmp", "$$value"]
              then: "$$this.avg_high_tmp",
              else: "$$value"

# should return
{ "max_high" : 87 }


Now, use the $max which is a type of grouping.
A way simpler way of getting max.

    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      max_high: { $max: "$trends.avg_high_tmp" }

# should return same as above,
{ "max_high" : 87 }

Much smaller query.


Now, get the min avg low temp

    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      min_avg_low: {
        $min: "$trends.avg_low_tmp"

# should return
{ "min_avg_low" : 27 }

stdDevPop and Avg

Both in one query - Calc avg cpi.
Calc the cpi standard deviation.

  • stdDevPop is based on the WHOLE data set
  • there is another option, stdDevSamp, when only using a sample from the dataset
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      avg_cpi: {
        $avg: "$trends.icecream_cpi"
      cpi_deviation: {
        $stdDevPop: "$trends.icecream_cpi"

# should return...
{ "avg_cpi" : 221.275, "cpi_deviation" : 6.632511464998266 }


    $project: {
      yearly_sales_in_millions: {
        $sum: "$trends.icecream_sales_in_millions"

# should return...
{ "yearly_sales_in_millions" : 1601 }

Another example

For the films collection

  • only use films that won at least 1 Oscar,
  • calculate
    • the standard deviation of imdb.rating (Use the sample standard deviation expression)
    • highest imdb.rating
    • lowest imdb.rating
    • average imdb.rating
# starting off
    $match: {
       awards: { $exists: true },
       'imdb.rating': { $exists: true }
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      awards: 1,
      title: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"

# next, not doing what I want
    $match: {
      awards: { $exists: true },
      'imdb.rating': { $exists: true }
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      awards: 1,
      title: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"
    $project: {
      avg_rating: {
        $avg: "$rating"
      max_rating: {
        $max: "$rating"
      min_rating: {
        $min: "$rating"

# next, adding group
# ...hmm, max not working, doing not-equal to ""
    $match: {
      awards: { $exists: true, },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: "" },
      _id: 0,
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$imdb.rating" },
      highest_rating: { $max: "$imdb.rating" }

# returns
{ "_id" : 0, "lowest_rating" : 1.6, "highest_rating" : 9.6 }

# NEXT, only return where awarded movies
# hmm, not sure yet
    $match: {
      awards: { $regex: /Oscar/ },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: ""},
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      title: 1,
      awards: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"
      _id: 0,
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$rating" },
      highest_rating: { $max: "$rating" }

## keep checking some movie data without the group
    $match: {
      awards: { $regex: /^Won/ },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: ""},
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      title: 1,
      awards: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"

# got the "Won x Oscar(s)"
    $match: {
    awards: { $regex: /Won.*Oscar/ },
    'imdb.rating': { $ne: ""},
    $project: {
    _id: 0,
    title: 1,
    awards: 1,
    rating: "$imdb.rating"

# reintroduce the min + max

    $match: {
      awards: { $regex: /Won.*Oscar/ },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: ""},
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      title: 1,
      awards: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"
      _id: 0,
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$rating" },
      highest_rating: { $max: "$rating" },

# returns...
{ "_id" : 0, "lowest_rating" : 4.5, "highest_rating" : 9.2 }

add avg

    $match: {
      awards: { $regex: /Won.*Oscar/ },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: ""},
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      title: 1,
      awards: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"
      _id: 0,
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$rating" },
      highest_rating: { $max: "$rating" },
      avg_rating: { $avg: "$rating" }

# returns
{ "_id" : 0, "lowest_rating" : 4.5, "highest_rating" : 9.2, "avg_rating" : 7.527024070021882 }

adding stdDevSam && rating must be greater-than or equal to 1

    $match: {
      awards: { $regex: /Won.*Oscar/ },
      'imdb.rating': { $ne: "", $gte: 1},
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      title: 1,
      awards: 1,
      rating: "$imdb.rating"
      _id: 0,
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$rating" },
      highest_rating: { $max: "$rating" },
      avg_rating: { $avg: "$rating" },
      std_dev: { $stdDevSamp: "$rating" }

# returns
{ "_id" : 0, "lowest_rating" : 4.5, "highest_rating" : 9.2, "avg_rating" : 7.527024070021882, "std_dev" : 0.5988145513344498 }

# A much simpler solution...
    $match: {
      awards: /Won \d{1,2} Oscars?/
    $group: {
      _id: null,
      highest_rating: { $max: "$imdb.rating" },
      lowest_rating: { $min: "$imdb.rating" },
      average_rating: { $avg: "$imdb.rating" },
      deviation: { $stdDevSamp: "$imdb.rating" }