Use Time Or Use Skill
On a continuum of effort to make decsisons, there are 2 ends: skill-based on one end and people-based on the other.
Skills Leverage Speed And Accuracy
Tasks can get done by focusing on the skill at hand.
People with the most experience or best-fitted skills can be the executioners.
Team efforts are only required in this approach when the entire team is made of experts in the area(s) needed.
In this approach, team and individual learning and exploration are sacrificed in-exchange-for the mastery of few in order to get tasks done with skill and with speed.
People Leverage Growth
Tasks can get done by focusing on people, rather than skill.
People with varying levels of skill, professionals and amateurs, can be engaged in the task at hand, with the goal of learning, gathering information, and bettering team dynamics.
Individuals who may be masters of their craft are not leveraged for their technical mastery here. Those folks might be used for sounding boards along the way, but not to do the work.
This is part of a larger set of posts on the social world