
Scrum Artifacts

The content that a scrum team produces represent work to be done, work that is done, prioritized value, and shared commitments.
Each artifact has a primary "commitment", a "true north" for reference when decisions need to be made while the artifact is being developed:

  • An Increment is commited to the Definition of Done - when an increment is in question of completion, the Definition of Done should be the point of reference for clarity

  • The Sprint Backlog is commited to the Sprint Goal - when the sprint backlog is up for grabs, the Sprint Goal should re-calibrate the team toward a shared goal

  • The Product Backlog is committed to the Product Goal - when the product backlog is up for grabs, the Product Goal should re-calibrate the Product Owner to clarify the Product Backlog

  • The Product Backlog

  • The Sprint Backlog

  • The Increment

The Product Backlog

  • An always-developing representation of work that encapsulates all work to be done by the Scrum team

  • Items in the backlog...

    • can be subject to 'refinement', where the details are broken down and defined
    • get converted to Sprint Backlog items when they can be done by the Scrum Team within one Sprint
    • get sized by the developers, sometimes influenced by the Product Owner with trade-offs and clarification

The Product Goal

The Product Backlog is a representation of a commitment toward the Product Goal:

  • A description of a state of the product to come in the future
  • These can be used as a target for the Scrum Team to aim for during development
  • Product goals are either (a) Fulfilled and completed or (b) abandoned and removed from the future scope of work

The Sprint Backlog

  • Items picked from the Product Backlog selected to be completed during the sprint
  • A plan by and for the developers that represents how the developers with achieve the Sprint goal
  • Represents as close to a real-time picture of the work that is going on
  • Commited to making the Sprint Goal a reality

The Sprint Goal

  • Communicates to the Stakeholders why a Sprint is valuable
  • A commitment that the Developers make to complete during the Sprint
  • Created during sprint planning, and referenced during the Sprint to maintain coherence, focus, and mindful amongst the developers

An Increment

  • A usable valuea-adding representation of a "step" toward the Product Goal
  • Increments are not restricted to 1 per sprint - many Increments can be in a Sprint
  • At the Sprint Review, all increments are present
  • A single increment can be delivered to stakeholders prior to the end of the Sprint
  • Increments must meet the Definition of Done

Definition of Done

  • A description of quality measures required for the product
  • Once the details of work meet this Definition, the work creates a complete Increment: when work does not meet this, it is not releasable
  • This can be defined by the organization across Scrum teams or by a single team: If this is created by the Org, all Scrum teams must follow this Definition