
Evaluating Code

The-e or --evaluate flag can be used to check code.

node --eval "2 * 4"
# this will show no output

node -e "console.log(14+7)"
# 21
node --print "4 * 5"
# 20

node -p "console.log(3 * 7)"
# 21
# undefined
  • -p prints undefined after the console.log because the console.log does not return anything other than undefined

Importing node modules

  • node "modules" come with the library/binary (fs, http, etc)
  • these modules can be required directly from cmd input
  • this can be useful because the core node modules are cross-platform!!

using the print flag with modules

node -p "Object.keys(require('fs'))"

# will return...
  'appendFile',       'appendFileSync',    'access',
  'accessSync',       'chown',             'chownSync',
  'chmod',            'chmodSync',         'close',
  'closeSync',        'copyFile',          'copyFileSync',
  'createReadStream', 'createWriteStream', 'exists',
  'existsSync',       'fchown',            'fchownSync',
  'fchmod',           'fchmodSync',        'fdatasync',
  'fdatasyncSync',    'fstat',             'fstatSync',
  'fsync',            'fsyncSync',         'ftruncate',
  'ftruncateSync',    'futimes',           'futimesSync',
  'lchown',           'lchownSync',        'lchmod',
  'lchmodSync',       'link',              'linkSync',
  'lstat',            'lstatSync',         'lutimes',
  'lutimesSync',      'mkdir',             'mkdirSync',
  'mkdtemp',          'mkdtempSync',       'open',
  'openSync',         'opendir',           'opendirSync',
  'readdir',          'readdirSync',       'read',
  'readSync',         'readv',             'readvSync',
  'readFile',         'readFileSync',      'readlink',
  'readlinkSync',     'realpath',          'realpathSync',
  'rename',           'renameSync',        'rm',
  'rmSync',           'rmdir',             'rmdirSync',
  'stat',             'statSync',          'symlink',
  'symlinkSync',      'truncate',          'truncateSync',
  'unwatchFile',      'unlink',            'unlinkSync',
  'utimes',           'utimesSync',        'watch',
  'watchFile',        'writeFile',         'writeFileSync',
  'write',            'writeSync',         'writev',
  'writevSync',       'Dir',               'Dirent',
  'Stats',            'ReadStream',        'WriteStream',
  'FileReadStream',   'FileWriteStream',   '_toUnixTimestamp',
  'F_OK',             'R_OK',              'W_OK',
  'X_OK',             'constants',         'promises'