
Serving Content Over The Web

What Is A Server

A Server is a computer. When it comes to the internet, there are "web servers". "web servers" are computers (servers) that...

  • have http* server tooling (like node's built-in http module) which...
    • listening for requests over the http protocol
    • responds to requests (typically from a browser or http client) and sends to the requester some data

When going to a browser (google chrome, safari, firefox, opera, edge, brave, etc) and typing in a url www.google.com, the browser is making a request to the internet which eventually makes it to a server where the google website is served by a server.

BrowserWeb Serverloop[Handling theRequest]REQUEST Hey web server, can I view this website?- Receive Request - Use a "handler" - Prepare The ResponseRESPONSE: Here's what you asked for!BrowserWeb Server

