
Indexes on array field keys

Multi-Key Indexes

Indexes can be made on keys that hold arrays as values.
If a key/val in a document looked like

genres: ["Rock", "Pop","Metal"]

the server would create index keys for each item in the array.
For the above example, the db would create indexes on

  • categories + Rock
  • categories + Pop,
  • categories + Metal

With multi-key indexes, Indexes can also deal with nested arrays & nested docs. Could make an index on the below arr of objs, & the db would make index keys on the color, weight, and name keys.

gear: [
  {color: 'orange', weight: .1, name: 'Jacket'},
  {color: 'green', weight: 8, name: 'Water Bottle'},
  {color: 'green', weight: 4, name: 'Pack'}

As an example, with an index on {"gear.weight": 1}, queries could leverage the weight to sort nested val results.


Avoid multiple array fields

Avoid multiple index keys on multiple array key/values.

For each indexed doc, at most 1 indexed field can be an array.
Can not make an index on 2 fields that are both arrays.
If a compound index were created across 2 fields that both hold arrays, a cartesian product would be used to create a LOT of indexes.

Attempting to insert an array on an indexed object field will throw an error, something like cannot index parallel arrays [new erroneous key name here] [existing functional array key name here]

Covered Queries

MultiKey Indexes do not support covered queries.
Trying to use covered queries will not work here.

MultiKey Indexes from the shell

MongoDB recognizes multi-key indexes where a sub-doc is an array.

Compound Multi-Key indexes are still ok

# productName holds a string val
db.products.createIndex({productName:1, "gear.weight": 1})

From the shell

use m201

// create a document
db.products.insertOne({name: "Hipster T-Shirt", categories: ["T-Shirt", "Clothing", "Hipster"], stock: { size: "L", color: "gray", quantity: 87 }})

// create nested index
db.products.createIndex({"stock.quantity": '1'})

// create exp obj
const e = db.products.explain()

// show query performance
e.find({"stock.quantity": 87})
  • isMultiKey will show false
  • mongoDB only recognizes a multi-key index when the field value is an array in at least 1 doc in the collection