

Starting With Unix

Unix and Linux as unix-like

A Kernel

The glue between the hardware and software

Interacting with Ubuntu

Getting a cli up and running

Flags and Args

Intro to CLI command flags and arguments

The Power of the Control key

The Control key is a powerful key in bash, allowing for shortcuts as well as "signal" sending

Text Editors

Classic text editors

Interacting with Files

Reading, Writing, Combining and Compressing Directories and files

CLI Tools

Using Wildcards and Expansions for shorthand processing

Input, Output, Streams, anddata-flow direction with Pipes

Linux treats input, output and errors as streams


Users and accounts of the Linux OS


Users with a shared group attribute

Env and Env Vars

Linux runs in environments


Remote CLI Sessions with a Secure Shell


Share files with SFTP

wget & curl

Request info from the www using wget and curl

packages and package management

Packages, Package Management, APT and Snaps

Writing Scripts with Bash

Scripts, bash, automation

Doing More With Bash

Conditional logic, collecting variable input, and more

Conditions And Cases

More on Conditional Logic and Case Statements

Arrays and Loops

arrays and looping through items

Create an NFS server

Leverage a few commands in a linux environment to share files across a network

A Script for checking outdated npm dependency versions

Intended to add to a ci-cd flow, i.e github action

Count Words, Lines, and/or bytes with 2 wc

Use this 2-character cli to get some simple counts

The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Each Directory Means Something Unique

Thanks to Brian Holt and FrontendMasters for sparking some curiosity here!
Also, check out this in-depth set of write-ups for another look into bash, including lots more details and nuiance.