
Prototypal Inheritance

Objects have a prototype property that "link" the object to the object's prototype.
Another way to consider this is to say that objects can inherit other objects - a "teacher" inherits a "person" object, and a "student" also inherits a "person" object.

const human = {
  // Default val
  name: 'Adam',
  sayName: function(){ console.log(`Hey, my "this.name" is ${this.name}`)},
  jobText: `I don't have a job`,
  logJob: function(){ console.log(this.jobText) }

// [Object: null prototype] {}

// Hey, my "this.name" is Adam

// I don't have a job

// Extend the human object into a teacher
  leveraging the Object.create(sourceObject, propertyDescriptorObject) method

  - sourceObject is the PROTOTYPE of the resulting object
  - this is somewhat of a functional approach to protoypically chaining objects together
const teacherObjDescriptor = {
  name: {
    value: 'Michael'
  jobText: {
    value: `I teach for a living`
const teacher = Object.create(human, teacherObjDescriptor);
// Hey, my "this.name" is Michael
// I teach for a living
// {
//   name: 'Adam',
//   sayName: [Function: sayName],
//   jobText: "I don't have a job",
//   logJob: [Function: logJob]
// }

// EXTENDING the above paradigm, with a 'createTeacher' wrapper
// somewhat of a factory creation patter
function createTeacher(name){
  return Object.create(teacher, {
    name: {
      value: name

const t2 = createTeacher('Blonk')
// Hey, my "this.name" is Blonk
// I teach for a living
// {}

some notes on the above:

  • human is a js object with keys + values
  • the prototype value of the human object, and any "plain" js object, will return [Object: null prototype] {} when logged
  • teacher is made with Object.create, which is used to ...well...create objects. The first arg is a starter object, which becomes the prototype of the new object. The second arg is an object that gets adjusted beyond the prototype on the newly-created object.
  • The above creates a prototype chain, where the prototype of human is null and the prototype of teacher is the human object (this can be checked with something like Object.getPrototypeOf(teacher) === human)