
Prototypal Inheritance with Classes

Javascript offers the class keyword.
This class syntax is "syntactical sugar" on top of prototypal inheritance - the syntax looks and feels cleaner to implement as a developer over the Constructor function approach.
class is commonly used with the extends keyword, where one class inherits (extends) another class.

// A class!
class Vehicle {
    this.name = name
  honk(){ console.log(`${this.name}: HONK HONK`) }

  the above `Vehicle` class gets de-composed by js, un-'sugar'ed to..
  function Vehicle (name){
    this.name = name

class SportsCar extends Vehicle{
    super(`${name} the SportsCar`)
  vroom(){ console.log(`${this.name}: vroom vroom`)}

  the above `SportsCar` uses the "extends" keyword to inherit details from the `Vehicle` class

const zippy = new SportsCar('Zippy')

// Zippy the SportsCar: HONK HONK

// Zippy the SportsCar: vroom vroom

console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(zippy) === SportsCar.prototype)
// true

console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(SportsCar.prototype) === Vehicle.prototype)
// true