
A Goal and A Strategy

I Don't know what tools are being used when I build a website using react. I can build a project with create-react-app, and I've heard about webpack, but I don't know whats going between them.

As a developer I'd like to understand the tooling

  • be able to articulate the tools that I'm using
  • be able to give at least an overview of how these tools are working together
  • have my own boilerplate project where I've compiled react/webpack/babel etc.
  • understand and being able to assemble a frontend app using the tools of react, webpack, babel, npm, and node.

Here's a few one-liners to give an overview of the tooling.


A lightweight JavaScript library used for building component-focused UIs (almost lifted directly from their website!). In a frontend build system, React builds the entire UI from an otherwise empty html document.


An npm module used to 'compile' or 'bundle' javascript. In a frontend build system, webpack shrinks the size of the javascript that is delivered to the browser. Webpack dev server is also used as a server during the development process.


A module that transforms code when the syntax is not natively readable by a browser. Browsers don't know what to do with JSX.


NPM hosts a bunch of code (repositiories) that are writtend and 'packaged' up for folks like us to install and use.


With the node runtime, JS can run on a server. Node is used here to develop an http server. Node is an underlying tech, and a frontend build system hardly writes any core node code.

A Development Approach

  • build a node server
  • have the node server serve "static content" - html/js/css, a frontend repo
  • build a frontend "system", react + babel + webpack
    • the "build" step: leveraging webpack to convert react to "production ready" static assets
    • the "development-friendly" setup, incorporating webpack-dev-server
    • more options:
      • react-router "deeper dive" for frontend routing & its impact on serving the app from node
      • lazy-loading & it's impact on bundle size, performance, etc
      • integrating typescript (webpack, babel, react, ts)

React Webpack Babel NPM Node