
Comparing Development and Production Setups

The need for a Dev Setup

Frontend engineers who spend most time in HTML, JS, CSS, Browser APIs, Consuming data over network traffic, and React (the frontend UI library of choice here) are accustom to having a "hot-reloading" environment for fast development workflows:

  • make changes in code editor
  • auto-save or press save
  • go to browser
  • see auto-updated ui details or refresh for new details

The Production Setup

A production web-app server does not have the need to serve the above "hot-reloading" style app.
A Production node http server can be setup to serve static frontend assets - HTML, JS, and CSS.

Webpack Dev Server For Local Development

Webpack Dev Server is a tool to use for local development. WDS does the work of

  • taking react & frontend dev code as input
  • spinning up a node server (under the hood)
  • making available browser-ready content
  • built-in hot-reloading for quick dev iteration

Webpack For Preparing Code for Production

Webpack is a tool to use to transform local development code to production-ready code. Webpack does the work of

  • taking react & frontend dev code as input (similar to the local dev env)
  • Making available browser-ready content
  • Producing the browser-ready content as static files

Comparing Dev to Production

The dev setup leverages webpack-dev-server for hot-reloading. While working on a project that also leverages an in-house API, it is not uncommon to rely on a locally-served API through another server instance.
The prod setup leverages a node server to serve static contents. The prod setup leverages webpack as a code transformer to make react developer code readable by the browser.