Setting Up Docker
- Setting Up Docker
- Check Out Docker Hub
- Running Docker Images
- Made to be ephemeral
- docker run shortcut
- run a command after starting a container
- order of commands matters
- how to clear docker images that are running
- run a container in the bg
- attach a bg container
- kill a container
- Naming a container
- NOTE: cant use a container name 2x
Check Out Docker Hub
Docker hub is something like an 'npm' of docker pre-built images.
- mongo (downloaded 1 BILLION+ times!!)
- mongo-express (downloaded 100 MILLION+ times!!)
- redis(downloaded 1 BILLION+ times!)
- nginx(downloaded 1 BILLION+ times!)
Running Docker Images
docker run
thats the main command.
Here's a more realistic command...
docker run --interactive --tty alpine:3.10 # or, to be shorter: docker run -it alpine:3.10
Developers might be more interested in RUNNING containers rathe than BUILDING them.
- apline is the flavor of linux being run , sourced from docker-hub
- COULD run
docker run alpine
- this would implicitly run alpine:latest
- try to be explicit about versions being used
- tiny linux, has bare-bone necessities for running web-servers
check cur version
cat /etc/issue
...etc/issue is a linux file that prints which version of linux is being run
should return Welcome to Alpine...
Made to be ephemeral
docker containers are made to be spun up && thrown out
docker run shortcut
docker run -it alpine:3.10
- puts me interactively inside the container
- docker run alpine 3.10 runs && quits
run a command after starting a container
docker run alpine:3.10 ls
- ls of the container (the root of the container)
order of commands matters
- docker
- run (the command)
- flags (--t --rm)
- name of container (alpine:3.10)
- command to run (ls, etc)
how to clear docker images that are running
docker image prune
run a container in the bg
docker run -it --detach ubuntu:bionic
- detach spits out the hash
- runs container in bg
attach a bg container
docker attach <container-name-here>
kill a container
docker kill <container-id OR name>
Naming a container
docker run -it --name my-container apline:3.10
- NAMES the container my-container
NOTE: cant use a container name 2x
- particularly after 'kill'ing a container
- MUST run
docker rm my-alpine